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Improve our transparency and communicate on the integration of CSR principles

Transparency is one of the foundations of social responsibility.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) aims, within a company, to reduce as much as possible the negative risks and impacts (social, ethical and environmental) and to amplify all those which would be positive for society in its most general vision.

In order to guarantee our level on these issues, in 2017 we initiated assessment campaigns of our production entities via the EcoVadis platform.

In 2023, 31 of our sites had their practices assessed using this platform. The internationally recognised tool allows us to analyse and then improve our CSR performance. The results of these assessments are provided to our clients as a guarantee that the principles and recommendations of ISO 26000 are integrated into our organisations.

In the same spirit of transparency, we also report our greenhouse gas emissions and our impact on water resources annually to the Carbon Disclosure Project database. This database provides access to information from more than 8,000 companies and communities around the world. This helps to provide the information needed to address climate change and water risks.

We regularly welcome our clients and partners to the field, so that they can assess our practices directly.

We reduce the environmental footprint of our production sites


Discover some of the actions implemented at our production sites and their results.

Reduction of energy consumption :

Since 2019, we have committed our sites to an energy management approach and to reducing our consumption. In particular, this approach has enabled us to make significant progress through :

Heat recovery :

  • In 2020, we saved 1.5GWh of gas through waste heat recovery (equivalent to 310 tonnes of carbon equivalent). By the end of 2022, the target is to reach 1000 tonnes of carbon equivalent saved.

Purchasing low-carbon energy :

  • Our production sites in Brazil, Colombia and Italy (Chromavis) use 100% renewable electricity from photovoltaic and hydroelectric plants,
  • Our Farmea and Fareva Vitré sites are connected to low carbon hot water networks (biomass and waste incineration). These actions enable us to reduce our emissions by 1390 tonnes of carbon equivalent per year.

Overall, over the 2019 and 2020 financial years, our energy management actions have saved 3,368 tonnes of carbon equivalent.

Recovering our waste :

By 2019, 4 of our production sites had reached the zero waste to landfill target and 11 sites had less than 5% of waste treated by landfill.

Innovate and offer brands low impact and sustainable products


Fareva and its R&D teams support clients in their projects :

  • By substituting substances of concern (substances with a proven or suspected effect on the environment or human health) in the formulas,
  • By formulating products according to the customer's choice : respecting natural charters (ISO 16128), the requirements of certifications such as Ecocert®, Vegan, or the requirements of respect for animal life (cruelty free or leaping bunny), which may be associated with responsible cosmetics (Yuka, EWG),
  • By proposing eco-designed packaging solutions, in application of the 4Rs principle : recovery of raw materials from recycling channels, refillability, substitution of the most impacting materials through work on the pack (lightweight or monomaterial, compostable, cardboard...),
  • By seeking suppliers of sustainable and local raw materials. In particular, we commit our partners to respecting our ethical and responsible charter (raw materials, pack, service),
  • By training or informing our customers who feel the need to do so on the quality and regulatory requirements and assisting them in the deployment of their responsible approach,
  • By working at all levels to reduce the environmental impact of the product itself: minimalist, concentrated, anhydrous formulas, cold manufacturing, choice of less energy-consuming processes.

Our commitment to respect every woman and man we work with


Employees :

  • We deploy an organisation to guarantee the health and safety of our employees,
  • We offer a career management and talent management policy,
  • We are developing partnerships with research centres and universities to innovate together and advance research.

4 key commitments :

  • Respect for human rights and the fight against slavery,
  • Good business practice and the fight against corruption,
  • Policy in favour of diversity and the fight against discrimination and harassment,
  • Data protection and intellectual property.